Saturday, March 2, 2013

Science just denies miracle healings?

I recently had a small online conversation with someone about alleged miracle healings. Long story short, the one thing that came up was the very typical claim that doctors and scientists just deny the existence of miracle healings and just don't want to believe in them.

If you think about that, it just doesn't make any sense. Sure, there are probably many medical doctors and scientists who would indeed stubborningly deny the existence of any supernatural healing phenomena, but there certainly are likewise many that would be interested in studying those phenomena further, if they really existed and would really work.

When many of these cynical people think about medical practice, the only things they can think of are big pharmaceutical companies and doctors sitting in clean offices behind their desks listening to old ladies and writing prescriptions (both of which they think are mostly in the profession for the money and prestige.)

This is, in fact, extremely insulting cynicism, and I honestly feel offended on behalf of all the people who practice medicine because it's their vocation, and they really want to help people and save lives. People who have eg. studied and practiced surgery for decades, and who often go to incredible lengths to save the life of a dying patient by operating on them for endless hours, even overnight and with no rest. People who try to always find the best way to treat their patients because they honestly want them to be cured. People who research diseases and their causes, and search for cures, often well beyond what's required for them in order to earn their paychecks.

These people would most certainly be interested if there was a phenomenon that is proved to heal people by unknown means. They would certainly be interested in studying it further.

The Christians who claim that miracle healings are everyday occurrences and that doctors and scientists are just in a huge conspiracy to deny them, are nothing but assholes, pardon my french. They belittle and denigrate the thousands and thousands of people who dedicate their lives to help others, to save lives and to cure the sick. To tell the truth, and no pun intended, but these Christians make me feel sick.

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